Monday, May 20, 2019

Poor Academic Performance in Mathematics

The study sought to determine the effects of Math Enrichment Approach and Math Trail occupation Approach as interventions to solve the respondents poor academic performance in maths IV as a result of the following causes negative attitudes towards mathematics, parents socio-economic status and difficulty of the subject.The study further sought to analyze the respondents pre-test as affected by their negative attitudes towards mathematics and post-test as influenced by the interventions.The study adapted the studies of Beaton & Dwyer (2002), Kellaghan&Madaus (2002) on the causes of poor academic performance in mathematics. The instruments used were the teacher-made pre-test and post-test, Aiken (1994) maths Attitudes, Survey Questionnaire for the Respondents and the Socio-Economic Status Indicators by Liberatos et. al. (1998) & Simich & Dugeon & Weinstein-shr (2005).This swear out research has a statistical treatment of mean, standard deviation and T Test for the significant dif ference.Results revealed that the major cause of the respondents poor academic performance in Mathematics 1V was their negative attitudes towards mathematics. This was confirmed by Broussard & station (2004) on his study.Math enrichment and Math trail approaches were effective interventions to poor academic performance in Mathematics IV.Introduction Mathematics is a changing body of knowledge rather than a set of rules to belearned and practice. scholarship mathematics is an active process where a students gathers, discovers or creates knowledge through a purposeful activity. An integral part of this learning process is the use of concrete models and manipulative to learn concepts. (NCTM, 2008.)Felipe (1990) as cited by Foronda (1995) said that every person must have corresponding growth in suited degrees and types of mathematical concepts in order to orient himself satisfactorily during the changing times.Performance in mathematics offers a of import lens for analyzing the qua lity of the mathematics teaching and learning experiences. Rodd (2003.)Poor academic performance results in the barbarian having a negative attitudes and less motivated.(Karande & Kulkarni 2005.) Identification of the causes of poor academic performance in mathematics and performance of the interventions must beproperlyaddressed so that the respondents can perform up to their full potential prior to their entrance to third level.In Gingoog City Comprehensive National High School (GCCNHS) poor academic performance in Mathematics was noticed by the researcher. In National Achievement Test (NAT) conducted recently,Mathematics mean scores were the lowest among otherwise areas. Hence this study sought to find the causes of this problem.

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